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I AM Balanced takes a whole person approach to reconnecting circuits within the body by using techniques from The Brain Breakthrough (BBT) and Eden Energy Medicine. Through gentle touch, the desired outcome is a body, brain, sensory and nervous system that is properly aligned and well nourished by energy, blood and cerebrospinal fluid. At I AM Balanced, we believe that the body holds the keys to creating complete balance within the body.
I understand that each body is different and that outcomes cannot be guaranteed. In addition, I agree to hold harmless Jen Kawasaki and I AM Balanced LLC for any treatments received through use of the modalities of BBT or Eden Energy Medicine therapy or any other form of treatment utilized during the session. I understand that Jen Kawasaki operates from a place of pure sincerity utilizing her training as an RN, BBT practitioner, and Eden Energy medicine Level 1 Trained practitioner to treat clients. She does not diagnose or take responsibility for any issue, situation or condition that is already present or present after the treatment. Any medical issue should be discussed with your healthcare provider prior to treatment. In addition, it is advised that you speak to your healthcare provider before beginning treatment through I AM Balanced.
Any client who is under the age of 16 must be accompanied in the treatment room by an adult.